Landscape Irrigation

Commercial & Residential Irrigation Services

The best irrigation design includes quality products and professional installation. CutRite offers irrigation design for San Antonio home and business owners at competitive prices.

Your property will be green all year long with our professionally designed irrigation systems. CutRite’s irrigation design includes custom watering cycles, component warranties, and 24/7 service.

Our services range from full system design to repairs on any mechanical or electrical components of your system. We also offer routine maintenance for your irrigation system.

Schedule your complimentary property consultation today.

Always CutRite if you want it done right. Call Today – 830-438-9145


If you want a green lawn and you don’t want to replace it with gravel, then we have a solution for you! Today’s technological irrigation marvels offer the ability to automate your lawn-watering needs like never before.

Landscape sprinklers with valve control systems will allow homeowners the convenience of only watering when it is necessary and automatically shut off at predetermined times.

Think about how much water can be saved by ensuring that your yard doesn’t get over-watered during periods of non-use; then think about all of the time down the drain as well.

That’s right, while even just one day without soaking in enough water is enough to cause problems with many types of grasses.

CutRite is one of your best options for irrigation installation because we’ve been in business for decades, with hundreds of systems installed each year. We have certified installers in San Antonio who can take care of any project you need done in just days from start to finish!

Landscape Irrigation Installation

Request an Estimate. Call Today.

Irrigation Repair

First, we will turn off the water supply and flush the irrigation system by opening a faucet at one end of the pipe.

Secondly, we will map out the layout of your irrigation pipes and blocks so that you have an idea of where there might be potential problems. Once this is done we take a small stick or string (not metal) and run it in different directions through all points so as to clear away any obstacles that may be causing leaks or blockages.

Thirdly, we wrap tape around areas where we may have cut with a knife while fixing your irrigation lines.

Landscape Irrigation Repair